Chicken Farm Solution of 60000 Layers In Poultry Cage
This is a Chicken Farm Solution of 60000 Layers In Poultry Cage. 60,000 chickens are farmed on a large scale.

This is a Chicken Farm Solution of 60000 Layers In Poultry Cage. 60,000 chickens are farmed on a large scale.

1.Size of chicken farm: 120M*60M
2. Chicken farm layout: four chicken houses, a feed house, an egg house, a new septic tank.
3. Chicken house size: two chicken houses size is the same 58M*18M*3.6M, a chicken house size is 42M*16M*3.6M, a chicken house size is 40M*15M*3.6M.
4. Estimated chickens: 30,000 laying hens; 20,000 broilers and 10,000 chicks.
5.30,000 laying hens are raised in two 58M*18M*3.6M chicken houses. Each house raises 15,000 laying hens.
6. Choose A type layer battery cage to raising 30000 layers. Chicken cage specifications are 1950mm*350mm*380mm, four layers. Each A type layer battery cage can raise 120 laying hens.
7. Raising 15,000 laying hens requires 125 sets of A type layer battery cages in a single chicken house.
8.The 125 sets of A type layer battery cages are arranged in 5 rows in the chicken house, with 25 sets of cages per row.
9. 20000 broilers are raised in 42M*15M*3.6M chicken houses.
10. H-type broiler battery cage is suitable to raising broilers. Chicken cage specifications are 1050mm*800mm*420mm, four layers, each set of H-type broiler battery cage can breed 136 broilers.
11. Raising 20,000 broilers in a single house requires 148 sets of H-type broiler battery cages.
12.The 148 sets of H-type broiler battery cages are arranged in 4 rows in the chicken house, with 37 sets of cages per row.
13.10,000 chickens are raised in 40M*15M*3.6M chicken houses.
14.Breeding chicks choose A type brood battery cage. Cage specifications are 1950mm*500mm*350mm, four layers. Each A type brood battery cage can raise 240 chicks.
15.Raising 15,000 chicks in A single chicken house requires 64 sets of A type brood battery cages.
16.The 64 sets of A-type brooder battery cages were arranged in 4 rows, with 16 sets of cages in each row.
17.Automatic chicken raising equipment includes driving type chicken feeding equipment; Flat belt type chicken manure cleaning equipment and egg collecting equipment.